Manage resource allocation

Resource allocation management enables the resource pool manager to assess and manage resources and resource requests for a single resource pool from a quick edit page.

Access Resource Allocation Management page

You can access the Resource Allocation Management page from the following places:

  • From the menu bar:

    1. Select Open > Resource Management > Resources > Manage Allocations.

    2. Select a resource pool by clicking the Select a Resource Pool or Please Specify a Resource Pool link.

  • From the Resource Pool Overview page: click Manage Allocation.

Clicking Change next to the page name, you can open the page for another resource pool.

Note: You must be the manager of at least one resource pool in order to access the Resource Allocation Management page.

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Understand Resource Allocation Management views

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Manage resource requests from Resource Allocation Management page

What you can do How to
Assign a resource to a resource request Assign resources to resource requests from Resource Allocation Management page
Forward a resource request Forwarding a Resource Request from Resource Allocation Management Page
Reject a resource request Rejecting a Resource Request from Resource Allocation Management Page
Assign a resource to a promised allocation Assigning a Resource to a Promised Allocation from Resource Allocation Management Page
Get resource recommendations Get resources recommendation from Resource Allocation Management page
Promise allocations Promising Allocations from Resource Allocation Management Page
Create or adjust resource's assignment Creating or Adjusting Resource's Assignment from Resource Allocation Management Page
Remove an assigned resource or change its status Removing an Assigned Resource or Changing its Status
Remove a promised allocation Removing a Promised Allocation

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Best practice of Resource Allocation Management page

  • (Specific to the Table view only) Do not load the Projected Resource Pool Utilization data unless you must view it. Loading this data may cause system performance to decrease.

  • The Mozilla Firefox browser renders tables more efficiently than Microsoft Internet Explorer.

  • Save your changes often. This reduces the chance of losing data due to collisions (other users updating the same data at the same time).

    The Resource Allocation Management page loads data once. If the data is modified by another user (outside of the current Resource Allocation Management page or using another instance of the Resource Allocation Management page), the data on the current Resource Allocation Management page is not updated. If any modifications you make collide with modifications saved by another user, your modifications are not saved. You must exit and reload the Resource Allocation Management page and retype your data. To avoid these collisions, you should save your modifications often.

  • Use the filters to display a small number of positions (20 or less) if you are allocating resources.

  • Change the time period to display the smallest period of time possible if you are allocating resources.

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Parameters and feature toggle controlling Resource Allocation Management page

Administrators can use parameters and feature toggle to control the Resource Allocation Management page.


You can use the parameters listed in the following table to control:

  • The maximum number of rows displayed on a single page
  • The number of staffing profile positions displayed on a single page.
  • The units displayed in the Display Options dialog for measurements.
  • The default unit displayed in the Display Options dialog for groupings and measurements.
  • The maximum number of resources for which the Projected Resource Pool Utilization summary is calculated.




Enable or disable the allocation of promised resources. Promised resources or allocations are resource allocations who are not specifically named or identified. They can be used when a resource is allocated but the resource is not defined in PPM (for example, a subcontractor) or to commit a resource and then assign a specific resource at a later time.

If enabled but the user does not have the Resource Mgmt: Promise Unspecified Resources access grant, promised allocations are view-only.

If enabled or disabled, promised allocations are used in all calculations (such as current demand and remaining capacity).

Promised allocations may exist when this parameter is disabled if values were entered before the parameter was disabled. That is, the parameter was enabled, promised allocations were entered, and then the parameter was disabled.

If disabled, any existing promised allocations are view-only.

Default: false (disabled)


The maximum number of rows of data to display on a single page. Default: 200.


The maximum number of staffing profile positions to display on a single page. Default: 20.


The effort types from which the resource pool manager can select for the Measure Effort in field in the Display Options dialog. Valid values: FTE, hours, person days. Default: FTE, hours.


The default effort type. The resource pool manager can change the effort type by modifying the Measure Effort in field in the Display Options dialog. Valid values: fte, hours, person days. Default: fte.


The default time period section. The resource pool manager can change the time period section by modifying the Group Periods by field in the Display Options dialog. Valid values: year, quarter, week, month. Default: month.


The maximum number of resources in a resource pool for which the Projected Resource Pool Utilization summary will be calculated. If the number of resources in a resource pool exceeds this number, you cannot load or view the Projected Resource Pool Utilization summary data. Default: 250.

a. These parameters are specific to the Table view of the Resource Allocation Management page.

Feature toggle

You can use the Exclude Completed Staffing Profile Positions from Resource Allocation Management Page feature toggle to control whether positions from completed staffing profiles are displayed on the page. If the feature toggle is turned on, positions from staffing profiles whose status is completed are not displayed on the Resource Allocation Management page. For details, see Use feature toggles to turn on/off features.

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