Table View of Resource Allocation Management Page

UI Element


Display Options

Change the period type, effort type, and the columns of data displayed.

  • Group Periods by

    The period type (how the time period is divided). Select either Month or Week. Default: The value to which the RM_DEFAULT_PERIOD_TYPE parameter is set in the PPM Application Configuration page or server.conf file. Valid values for the parameter: week, month.

  • Measure Effort in

    The effort type (how effort is measured). Select either FTE (full time equivalents) or Hours.

    NOTE: If set to FTE, the position's unmet demand may be calculated incorrectly. Use the unmet demand values from the Staffing Profile page instead. Default: The value to which the RM_DEFAULT_EFFORT_TYPE parameter is set in the PPM Application Configuration page or server.conf file.

  • Hide Available Capacity/Unmet Demand Columns

    Select this checkbox to hide the second column of data (containing unmet demand and remaining capacity) for each time period section. By default, this checkbox is not selected.

    If this checkbox is selected and you assign a resource, the resource's allocations are automatically set to zero. Because the position's unmet demand and the resource's remaining capacity are not calculated, the resource's allocation cannot be calculated and is therefore set to zero.

Legend Illustrate how position demand and resource effort are displayed in the table.

Projected Resource Pool Utilization

The allocation and capacity for the selected resource pool. Click to view the data. This information changes dynamically when resource allocations are modified.

NOTE: Loading this data may cause system performance to decrease.

This data never includes resources of child resource pools. Selecting the Include children resource pools when calculating the resource load for this resource pool checkbox (from the Edit Resource Pool page) does not affect the data on the Resource Allocation Management page.

See Viewing Projected Resource Pool Utilization from Resource Allocation Management Page for more information.

Note: Even if the promised allocation feature is disabled, if promised allocations exist (that is, values were entered before the feature was disabled), then promised allocations are used in all calculations (such as current demand and remaining capacity) even though they are not viewable from the interface.