Synchronize positions from work plan tasks

You can copy work plan tasks to staffing profile as positions and synchronize changes from work plan tasks.

To copy positions from work plan tasks:

  1. Prerequisite: Your administrator has turned on the Sync Between Tasks and Positions feature toggle. For details, see Use feature toggles to turn on/off features.

  2. Open the target project staffing profile.

  3. Click in the staffing profile toolbar.
  4. Work plan tasks that have roles specified are copied to the staffing profile as positions.

    These positions are indicated with task IDs. Clicking the task ID directs you to the task details page.


    • Only leaf tasks will be copied to staffing profile as positions.
    • Milestone tasks will not be copied to staffing profile as positions.

    The following table lists the data mapping between work plan and staffing profile.

    Data in work plan Data in staffing profile
    Task name

    Position name

    Note: A task name can have 300 characters at most while a position name can have 200 characters at most. If a task name is longer than 200 characters, it will be truncated when copied to the staffing profile.

    Task role Position role
    Task ID Task ID
    Scheduled start Start date
    Scheduled finish Finish date
    Scheduled effort Forecast demand
  5. After copying positions from work plan, clicking will synchronize the changes from work plan to staffing profile.

    Therefore, PPM suggests that you do not edit positions copied from work plan as your changes will be lost after next synchronization.