Setting Default Time Period Views

Staffing profiles and resource pools allow you to choose how you view the following information:

  • Time periods

    • Years

    • Quarters

    • Months

    • Weeks

  • Totals per resource

    • Hours

    • Full time equivalents (FTEs)

    • Person days

You can configure system-wide default settings for these options by altering the appropriate parameters in the server.conf file on the PPM Server. Table 2-2. server.conf parameters for default time period views lists the parameters in the server.conf file that determine these default values.

Table 2-2. server.conf parameters for default time period views



Default Value


Determines the default period type displayed in staffing profiles and resource pools.

Possible values: quarter, month, week, year



Determines the default effort type displayed in staffing profiles and resource pools.

Possible values: fte, hours, person_days



Lists the possible effort types displayed in staffing profiles and resource pools.

Possible values: fte, hours, person_days

fte, person_days

For more detailed information on configuring the server.conf file, see the Installation and Administration Guide.