Analyzing Project Costs

PPM provides useful interfaces for visualizing project cost data. The primary visualization tools are discussed in the following sections.

Project Cumulative Cost Metrics

Use the Analyze Cumulative Cost Metrics page to evaluate a project's performance in terms of different cost variables over time. Project Management calculates the Projected Actual Cost field for the project as baseline cost / CPI, and the value is displayed above the graph.

Note: The Pending Cost EV Update Service must be enabled for the data in the Analyze Cumulative Cost Metrics page to be made current and kept current.

To view the Analyze Cumulative Cost Metrics page for a project, do one of the following:

  • In the menu bar, select Open > Financial Management > Analyze Costs > Project Cumulative Cost Metrics and select a project using the filter criteria.

  • If the project is open and has been baselined, on the Project Summary tab, in the EV Summary section, click Analyze.

Field Name



Project to be analyzed.

Summary Task

Summary tasks to be analyzed.


Period to be used in the graph's time axis. Possible values: Fiscal Week, Fiscal Month, or Fiscal Year.

From Date

Date at which to start the graph.

To Date

Date at which to end the graph.

Include in graph:

Planned Value (PV)

Graphs the portion of the Baseline Cost planned to be spent between the project's start date and each data point.

Earned Value (EV)

Graphs the portion of the Baseline Cost for the entire project that has theoretically been spent by each data point. See for the applicable formula.

Actual Costs (AC)

Graphs the total dollar cost (Actual Labor Cost + Actual Non-Labor Cost) for the project.

Financial Summary Forecast

Graphs the financial summary forecast values for the project at each data point.

Financial Summary Actuals

Graphs the financial summary actual values, if any have been entered, at each data point.

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Project Current Cost Metrics

Use the Analyze Current Cost Metrics page to compare the sizes and cost health of one or more projects.

To view the Analyze Current Cost Metrics page for projects, in the menu bar, select Open > Financial Management > Analyze Costs > Project Current Cost Metrics.

Field Name




Projects to be included on the page

Summary Tasks


Project to be included on the page

Summary Task

Summary task within the project you specified

Other Criteria

Project Manager

Project managers whose projects are to be included


Programs from which projects are to be included

Work Plan Status

Projects with work plans having the statuses you specify

Actual Costs exceed Earned Value by

Projects with a cost variance greater than the amount you specify

Planned Value exceeds Earned Value by

Projects with a schedule variance greater than the amount you specify

CPI Less Than

Projects with a CPI less than the value you specify

SPI Less Than

Projects with an SPI less than the value you specify

Forecast Cost Greater Than

Projects with a forecast cost greater than the amount you specify

Baseline Costs Greater Than

Projects with baseline costs greater than the amount you specify

Budget Actuals Greater Than

Projects with actual costs (from the financial summaries) greater than the amount you specify

Include Level 1 and Level 2 Summary Tasks?

Option to include summary tasks of level 1 or 2 within the work plan hierarchy

Size of bubble indicates

Forecast from Financial Summary

Option for bubbles representing projects to vary in size based on the size of their associated forecasts from the financial summary

Actual Costs from Financial Summary

Option for bubbles representing projects to vary in size based on the size of their actual costs from the financial summary, if any have been entered

Work plan baseline costs

Option for bubbles representing projects to vary in size based on the size of their last work plan baseline costs

Projected Actual Cost at Completion

Option for bubbles representing projects to vary in size based on the size of their projected actual cost (baseline cost / CPI) at completion

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