Comparing Financial Summaries to Financial Data Tables

The Financial Summary to Financial Data Comparison portlet allows you to compare the forecast or actuals of one or more lifecycle entities to financial data tables. The lifecycle entities and financial data tables must be of the same request type.

Note: The Financial Summary to Financial Data Comparison portlet always displays the financial data in the base currency (even if you set a preferred currency) because one set of financial data could use a different local currency from another set of financial data.

The Financial Summary to Financial Data Comparison portlet's Edit Preferences page allows you to choose parameters for the portlet's filtering and display of information. These parameters are listed in Table 4-23. Financial Summary to Financial Data Comparison portlet parameters.

Table 4-23. Financial Summary to Financial Data Comparison portlet parameters

Field Name


*Compare Financials from Request Type

A single-select autocomplete field that allows you to select the request type of the lifecycle entities and financial data tables used in this comparison. Only lifecycle entities and financial data tables that are of the same request type can be compared.

Compare financials from

*From Requests

A multiselect autocomplete field that allows you to select one or more active lifecycle entities. The lifecycle entities listed are those that are of the selected request type.

Use Forecast

Compares the forecast from the selected active lifecycle entities.

Use Actuals

Compares the actuals from the selected active lifecycle entities.

To financials in

*Select Financial Data Tables

A multiselect autocomplete field that allows you to select one or more financial data tables to which to compare the financial data from the active lifecycle entities selected in the Compare financials from section. The financial data tables listed are those that are of the selected request type.

Use Forecast

Compares the forecast or actuals of the active lifecycle entities selected in the Compare financials from section to the forecast of the financial data tables selected in the To financials in section.

Use Actuals

Compares the forecast or actuals of the active lifecycle entities selected in the Compare financials from section to the actuals of the financial data tables selected in the To financials in section.

Time Period

Time Period covered by Financial Summaries

Limits the portlet's display range to the time period covered by the selected financial summaries of the active lifecycle entities.

Show from ___ To ___

Allows you to select a period range to display.

Comparing Forecast to Forecast

The Financial Summaries to Financial Data Comparison portlet can be used to compare a lifecycle entity's forecast to multiple forecasts stored in financial data tables, as shown in Figure 4-14. Comparison of forecasts.

On the Financial Summaries to Financial Data Comparison portlet's Edit Preferences page, in the Compare financials from section, select one lifecycle entity from the From Requests field and select Use Forecast. In the To financials in section, select one or more financial data tables from the Select Financial Data Tables field and select Use Forecast.

Figure 4-14. Comparison of forecasts

In the example shown in Figure 4-14. Comparison of forecasts, the forecast for Whirlwind project is compared to the forecast of FD_whirlwind project.