Importing Requests from XML Files

You can use menu option Import Request from XML to import XML files as requests. The web page takes an XML file as well as the XSLT template as input, and imports the specified XML file to create a new request or update an existing request.

To perform the import task, you must have the Demand Mgmt: Import Request access grant.

Import an XML File to Create a New Request

  1. Log on to PPM.

  2. On the Open menu, click Demand Management > Import Request From XML.

    The Import Request from XML page opens.

  3. For XML File to Import field, click Choose File to locate and select the XML file you want to import.

  4. For XSL Template field, click the drop-down button to select the XSL template you want to associate with the imported XML file.

    XSL templates are configured in PPM Workbench by admin user. For information about configuring XSL templates, see the Demand Management Configuration Guide.

  5. Select Create a new request.

  6. (Optional) If it is the first time for you to import an XML file, you may want to run a test before you perform the formal import. In this case, click Test button.

    It tests if the XML file can be imported successfully.

    • If the test result page shows "Test completed successfully", proceed to step 7.

    • If "Error parsing the incoming xml file...", troubleshoot the cause and make sure the XML is ready for import.

  7. Click Import button.

  8. Check the import result and the ID of the new request created.

    Note: A "Test/Import completed successfully" message will be displayed even when the XML imported does not match the XSL template selected, but no corresponding request ID will be generated and the log will show "pass:0".

  9. Click Back to return to the Import Request from XML page.

Import an XML File to Update an Existing Request

  1. Log on to PPM.

  2. On the Open menu, click Demand Management > Import Request From XML.

    The Import Request from XML page opens.

  3. For XML File to Import field, click Choose File to locate and select the XML file you want to import.

  4. Select Update an existing request.

    This enables Request ID field.

  5. For Request ID field, click the selector icon.

    The popup window lists all available choices. Enter search filter(s) to locate the desired request ID or select a value from the list.

  6. (Optional) If it is the first time for you to import an XML file, you may want to run a test before you perform the formal import. In this case, click Test button.

    It tests if the XML file can be imported successfully.

    • If the test result page shows "Test completed successfully", proceed to step 8.

    • If "Error parsing the incoming xml file...", troubleshoot the cause and make sure the XML is ready for import.

  7. Click Import button.

  8. Check the import result and the ID of the new request created.

    Note: A "Test/Import completed successfully" message will be displayed even when the XML imported does not match the XSL template selected, but no corresponding request ID will be generated and the log will show "pass:0".

  9. Click Back to return to the Import Request from XML page.