Translating Fiscal Month Names

Fiscal periods appear in or are used for the following:

  • Total costs, benefits, and approved budgets for fiscal quarters and fiscal years in financial summaries in Financial Management

  • Scenario comparisons in Portfolio Management

  • Staffing profiles in Resource Management

  • Calendar auto-complete fields used in creating projects, for example

  • Portlets and reports

You can create sets of translated fiscal month names for all or any subset of the languages installed in PPM, but the process is different than for translation of boilerplate or custom content. You must separately add your own translations for fiscal month names after you install or upgrade PPM.

As described in the document Generating Fiscal Periods, you configure previously translated month names in periods_<language>.conf files, one file for each installed language for which you want to establish translated month names. (In these files, you can also configure the formats of any type of period—year, quarter, month, and week—differently for each language, as needed.) For example, the language configuration file for German is named periods_de.conf, and for Korean, the filename is periods_ko.conf.

You run the script to generate periods for the time range you specify, for all the languages that have had periods generated in the past. When you use the -language script argument and specify languages for which periods have not been generated in the past, the script refers to the corresponding periods_<language>.conf files and generates periods for those languages. The script always keeps the sets of generated fiscal periods complete and consistent across all languages in terms of the time range the periods cover.

For detailed procedures on how to use the script to generate periods, see the document Generating Fiscal Periods.

Note: Generating periods for new languages requires restarting the PPM Server.