Collecting Required Information

The PPM installer prompts you to enter information that it uses to create and configure the PPM Server. The installer validates each value you enter before it continues the installation. The following table lists the information required for installing PPM on either a single PPM Server or the primary node for a server cluster.

Note: For additional information that you must provide if you are installing the primary PPM Server for a server cluster, see Configure a server cluster.

Table 3-4. Required installation information
Prompt Description


Environment variable that specifies the directory in which Java class files reside.

Note: The directory path must not contain spaces.

Software installation location

Directory in which the PPM Server is to be installed and configured. If the directory does not exist, the installer creates it. The directory path cannot contain spaces.

Note: Do not map the <PPM_Home> directory so that it is accessible from an external Web server. This introduces a potential security risk. We recommend that you not share this directory.

Path to the Autopass license key file

The Autopass license key file contains valid PPM license keys that you generated from the Micro Focus Licensing for Software portal.

If you do not have a valid Autopass license key file, see Generate Autopass license.


The directory in which Java is installed. On UNIX systems, this environment variable is set in the profile file (a *.profile or *.cshrc file) of the user who is installing PPM.

Windows example


Note: Make sure that the value specified for JAVA_HOME contains no spaces.

Database Access page

(Displayed if you chose to have the installer create the database schemas)

System access username

System database user name to give the installer access to the database.

System password

System database password to give the installer access to the database.

Note: Do not use a string like “hpswDemo$09$” as a password during the installation, because the Installer treats “$09$” as a parameter and consequently turns “hpswDemo$09$” into “hpswDemo”.


JDBC URL the PPM Server uses to connect the Oracle database.

Short format (non-RAC):



  • <Host_Name> is the host name or IP address of the computer running the database
  • <Port> is the port number that SQL*Net uses to connect to the database. To get the actual value, look at the corresponding entry in tnsnames.ora
  • <SID> is the security identifier of the database. This is usually identical to the database connect string. If it is different, an extra parameter is required.

RAC format:

RAC (description=(address_list=(address= (protocol=TCP) (host=<Host_Name1>) (port=<Port>)) (address=(protocol=TCP) (host=<Host_Name2>) (port=<Port>))(load_balance=YES))(connect_ data=(server=DEDICATED)(service_name= <Service_Name>))

Example of database access information used to enable the PPM Server to communicate with databases on two servers named Jaguar1 and Jaguar2:



Home directory for the Oracle client tools on the PPM Server machine. The directory path cannot contain spaces.


Environment variable that specifies the directories to be searched to find a command.


Location of the SQL*Plus utility.

SQL*Plus is not required for installation, but is required for the PPM Server.



If the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set, then this parameter is detected automatically.

PPM Schema page

(Displayed if you created the database schemas before installation)


PPM database schema user name.


PPM database schema password.

RML Schema page


Username for the PPM Reporting Meta Layer (RML) schema.


Password for the PPM Reporting Meta Layer (RML) schema.

Tablespaces page


Data type tablespace in the Oracle database


Index type tablespace in the Oracle database

CLOB data

Character large object data type (CLOB) tablespace in the Oracle database

NT Service

Service name

Name of the Windows service for the PPM Server.

Regional Settings

Holiday schedule

Holiday schedule on which to base the PPM regional calendar. If your holiday schedule is not listed, you can select None. In that case, a new calendar with no holidays is set as the system default regional calendar.

Currency code

Three-letter code for the default currency. The system default is in US dollars (USD). For information on currency codes for other countries, see the Financial Management User Guide.

Caution: Once you choose your default currency during installation, you cannot change it unless you reinstall PPM.

Region name

Name of the region for the installation, which is defined by a combination of calendar and currency.

If your organization operates in only one region, use "Enterprise" or your company name.