View the Services Audit Results page

You can open the Services Audit Results page to quickly view information about PPM background services.

  1. Log on to PPM.

  2. On the Open menu, click Administration > View Services Audit Page.

Columns in Service Audit Results Page

Column Heading


Service Name

Name of the background service


Status (enabled or disabled) of the background service

Is Running?

Shows whether the service is running, not running, or disabled

Run Interval

Run interval set for the service

Last Run Node

Node on which the service was last run

Note: A dash (-) character in this column indicates that the service was triggered, but did not run because there are no data to process.

Last Completed Run

Time and date the service last ran

Next Scheduled Run

Time and date the service is scheduled to run next

Viewing Success Logs of Background Services

If you have set the following parameters in Administration Console, you can view success logs of specified background services.

Parameter Name Description Values
ENABLE_LOG_SUCCESS_SERVICE_LIST Specify the reference codes of background services. If these services are run successfully, PPM will record the success logs for them. Reference codes are separated by semicolon. Currently supported background services:

Limitation: For the Cost Rollup Service, the success logs are recorded for projects only.

SERVICE_RECORDS_EXPIRATION_DAYS Specify the duration (in days) of the success logs. The log that expire the duration will be removed automatically from the Service Records page. Default: 14

To view success logs of a background service:

  1. On the Service Audit Results page, click the service for which you have enabled recording success logs.

    The Service Records page for the background service lists all the success logs.

  2. Click the detail link to view details of a log.

Accessing Services Errors Details

On the Services Audit Results page, you can see whether a service has thrown errors during all its recorded runs.

  • If the service has errors in at least one recorded run, an exclamation mark is shown in the front of the service name:

    • The exclamation is red if errors occur in the service last run.
    • The exclamation is yellow if errors do not occur in the last run but in earlier runs recorded in the system.
  • If no errors occur in any service run recorded in the system, no exclamation mark is shown for the service.

Note: The number of service runs recorded in the system is controlled by the parameter SERVICE_RECORDS_EXPIRATION_DAYS. For example, if the parameter value is 14 days, the system only records the service runs that happen within the past 14 days; all the earlier service run records along with their errors are deleted automatically each time the service runs.

To view details about errors a service has encountered:

  1. Click the exclamation mark or the service name to open the Service Records page.

    This page lists all the recorded service runs. If a service run has errors, an exclamation mark appears in the front of the service run.

  2. Click the exclamation mark of a service run or the "detail" link to open the Service Process Records page for details.