Configuring the PPM Workbench to Run as a Java Applet

This section provides the steps to follow to perform the following tasks:

Note: When PPM is run in the SSO mode, you can only open workbench in Internet Explorer using the PPM menu Open > Administration > Open Workbench.

(Optional) Enabling SOCKS Proxy

Using the SOCKS proxy feature in PPM improves security. With SOCKS proxy enabled, all RMI connections are routed through a central server so that each and every PPM Workbench is not required to contact the application server directly. The SOCKS proxy feature also makes it easier to monitor RMI traffic.

To enable the SOCKS proxy feature in PPM:

  1. Open the server.conf file in a text editor.

  2. Set the following two parameters:

    • com.kintana.core.server.SOCKS_PROXY_HOST

    • com.kintana.core.server.SOCKS_PROXY_PORT

    For the com.kintana.core.server.SOCKS_PROXY_HOST value, provide the hostname of the SOCKS proxy server.

    For the com.kintana.core.server.SOCKS_PROXY_PORT value, specify the port on the SOCKS proxy host that accepts proxy connections.

The PPM Server passes the SOCKS proxy configuration forward to the client applet launcher. Users are not required to configure anything.

To specify a different JRE version in the server.conf file, reset the com.kintana.core.server.WORKBENCH_PLUGIN_VERSION parameter.

For example: com.kintana.core.server.WORKBENCH_PLUGIN_VERSION=1.7.0_04

Running PPM Workbench with HTTP(S)

Starting from 9.40, PPM Workbench communicates with PPM Server via HTTP(S) by default, the same port that is used in communication between Web browser and PPM Server.

If you find PPM Workbench communicates with PPM Server using RMI(S) port, you can do the following to enable the communication via HTTP(S):

  1. Stop the PPM Server.
  2. Set the parameter ENABLE_WORKBENCH_HTTP to true in server.conf file. By default, it is true.
  3. Provide a value in the parameter WORKBENCH_SERVICE_URL. This is the address of PPM Server with which PPM Workbench communicates via HTTP(S).

    If the value of this parameter is null, the system uses the value specified in BASE_URL for the communication between PPM workbench and PPM Server via HTTP(S).

  4. Run the script.
  5. Start the PPM Server.

Running PPM Workbench with RMI(S)

If you set the parameter ENABLE_WORKBENCH_HTTP to false, PPM Workbench communicates with PPM Server using RMI(S) port.

To run PPM Workbench as a Java applet with secure RMI:

  • Specify the complete RMI URL, in the following format, when you start the PPM Workbench:

    java com.kintana.core.gui.LogonApplet rmis://<Host>:<RMI_Port>/<KintanaServer>

    You can type the RMI URL at the command line or, on Windows, specify it in a shortcut.

Providing Users with the Java Plug-In

The Java plug-in is required to access the PPM Workbench interface. When a user starts the PPM Workbench, the system checks the client browser for the Java plug-in, and then determines whether the correct version is installed.

The supported Java plug-in version is specified by the WORKBENCH_PLUGIN_VERSION parameter in the server.conf file. If the system cannot find the required version, it directs the user to the Oracle site where the user can download the plug-in and follow the installer wizard prompts to install it.

Note: We recommend that you leave the WORKBENCH_PLUGIN_VERSION parameter default value.

If users who access the PPM Workbench from client machines cannot access the Oracle Web site to download and install the Java plug-in, you must download the plug-in and make it available to users from within the firewall. You can obtain the plug-in directly from the Oracle Software Download site.

Note: Consider restricting PPM Workbench access to users who must perform the kind of configuration and administration tasks performed through the PPM Workbench.