Getting Details of a Request

Request: http://<PPM_Server_IP>:<port>/itg/rest/dm/requests/{reqId}

HTTP Method: GET

Description: Get a request specified by the request ID.

Request path variables:

Attribute Description Required
reqId The ID of the request Yes

Response entity body:

  • on success: Returns an XML object of the request with the following format:

    <ns2:request xmlns:ns2="">
       <description>This is a test request</description>
       <sourceType />
       <source />
            <stringValue>17.11. web site</stringValue>
            <stringValue />
            <stringValue />
            <stringValue />
            <stringValue>Bug Request Type Workflow</stringValue>
            <stringValue />
            <stringValue>This is a test request</stringValue>
            <stringValue />
            <stringValue>Admin User</stringValue>
            <stringValue>Module B</stringValue>
            <stringValue />
            <stringValue />
            <stringValue />
            <stringValue />
            <stringValue />
       <notes />
       <references />
  • on failure: The following message codes are returned if the operation fails:

    Message Code



    Possible Corrective Action


    Internal Error

    There was an internal error when you executed the operation.



    Cannot Get Internal Server Connection

    There was an error when you tried to connect to the PPM server.



    Error when trying to read request with id {0}

    There was some error when the system tried to read the request.



    The request {0} does not exist

    The request ID you entered does not exist.

    Correct the request ID in the URL


    No eligible actions for this request

    The request you tried to access does not have any eligible actions for the you.

    Add the user to the workflow step security.


This operation returns the visual field values instead of the parameter values. It does not return all the types fields, such as financial summary, staffing profile, attachment, and etc.