Web Services Toolkit

For your convenience, Micro Focus provides the Web Services Toolkit to decrease Web service application development time.

Accessing Toolkit

To access the Toolkit, use your Web browser to navigate to the following URL:


The files are archived in Zip format and must be extracted before they can be used. The files can be copied to your local PC or workstation—they do not have to be installed on a PPM Server.

There are many ways to create client applications. The Toolkit provides copies of the WSDL and XSD files, along with several libraries, so that you can concentrate on your application's logic rather than worry about the framework.

Toolkit Contents

Although Web services can be implemented using numerous languages, the Toolkit currently provides only Java and .NET examples. These are included in the Toolkit in the following directories:

  • java

  • MicrosoftDotNet

java Directory

The Java-specific directory in the Toolkit includes the following directories and files:

  • bin contains the scripts to set up the compiling and execution environment.

  • client

    • src

    • examples contains subdirectories with code samples which can be used as starting point for developing custom client program logic.

      o    dm contains an example for Demand Management.
      o    fm contains an example for Financial Management.
      o    pfm contains an example for Portfolio Management
      o    pgm contains an example for Program Management
      o    pm contains an example for Project Management.
      o    rm contains an example for Resource Management.
      o    tm contains an example for Time Management.
      o    security contains an example of the callback handler.
  • conf contains example configuration files which are required for authentication—these typically require modification.

  • docs

    • javadoc_7.5.zip contains all the PPM version 7.5 javadocs.

    • javadoc_6.0.zip contains the javadocs for the Mercury IT Governance Center version 6.0 and PPM version 7.0 implementations.

  • lib subdirectories include all the required libraries for compiling and executing the client code, including the webservice_client.jar, which is the stubs generated from WSDL.

  • modules contains the rampart and addressing libraries.

MicrosoftDotNet Directory Content

The .NET-specific directory of the Toolkit includes the following directories and files:

  • DemandServiceTest contains an example for Demand Management

    • Properties contains Visual Studio and .NET configuration files.

    • Web References

    • localhostDemandService contains WSDL, XSD, and data source files.

  • FinancialDataTest contains an example for Financial Management (Financial Data)A

    • Properties contains Visual Studio and .NET configuration files.

    • Web References

    • localhostFinancialData contains WSDL, XSD, and data source files.

  • FinancialSummaryTest contains an example for Financial Management (Financial Summary)

    • Properties contains Visual Studio and .NET configuration files.

    • Web References

    • localhostFinancialSummary contains WSDL, XSD, and data source files.

  • ProjectServiceTest contains an example for Project Management

    • Properties contains Visual Studio and .NET configuration files.

    • Web References

    • localhostProjectService contains WSDL, XSD, and data source files.

  • PortfolioServiceTest contains an example for Portfolio Management

    • Properties contains Visual Studio and .NET configuration files.

    • Web References

    • localhostPortfolioService contains WSDL, XSD, and data source files.

  • ProgramServiceTest contains an example for Program Management

    • Properties contains Visual Studio and .NET configuration files.

    • Web References

    • localhostProgramService contains WSDL, XSD, and data source files.

  • TimeServiceTest contains an example for Time Management

    • Properties contains Visual Studio and .NET configuration files.

    • Web References

    • localhostTimeService contains WSDL, XSD, and data source files.