Previously Available Web Services

PPM Web services rely on the Apache Axis Web service framework. PPM versions 6.0 SP4 (and later) and 7.0 relied on the security model available in the Axis1 software and were identical in content and usage. To take advantage of enhanced security features, later versions of the PPM Web services are based on the Axis2 software.

One of the consequences of using the two security models is the division of Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) content. Web service operations that rely on the Axis1 model use a different WSDL file than those using the Axis2 model.

Web Service Operations

Web services operations that were available in the early versions (using Axis1) may have been:

  • Re-implemented. Starting with version 7.1, many of the version 6.0 and 7.0 Web service operations were re-implemented to take advantage of Axis2 security features. These Web service operations generally have the same name.

    Although you may continue to use these version 6.0 and 7.0 Web services, We strongly recommend that you convert to the new implementation as soon as practical. Eventually, these versions will be deleted and no longer available for your use.

    If you are creating new Web service applications, use the Axis2-based Web services.

  • Deprecated. Some of the version 6.0 and 7.0 Web service operations are minimally used by PPM customers, or have had their functionality incorporated into version 7.1 or 7.5 Web services (with different names).

    These Web services have been retained for interim purposes only. Eventually, these Web services will be deleted and no longer available. Therefore, you should not design long-term solutions that are reliant on these Axis1-based Web services.

  • Replaced. Some of the version 6.0 and 7.0 Web service operations have been replaced with a later version implementation and the version 6.0 and 7.0 Web service is no longer available for your use.

  • Deleted. Some of the version 6.0 and 7.0 Web service operations are no longer used and, consequently, are not available in version 7.1, 7.5 and later versions.

Web Services that were supported in previous releases using Axis 1.0 are tagged with "re-implemented", "deprecated", or "replaced" in the Web Service Operations and Special Commands section. Although these operations may still be available, we recommend that you use the Axis 2.0-based operations instead.

Web Service Special Commands

Pre-existing Web service special commands may have been:

  • Re-implemented. Starting with version 7.1, the version 6.0 and 7.0 Web service special commands were re-implemented to take advantage of Axis2 security features. Because these Web service special commands have the same name, additional configuration is required in the webservices.conf file.

    Although you may continue to use these version 6.0 and 7.0 Web services, We strongly recommend that you convert to the new implementation as soon as practical. Eventually, these versions will be deleted and no longer available for your use.

    If you are creating new Web service applications, use the Axis2-based Web services.

  • Retained. These version 6.0 and 7.0 Web service special commands have been retained are available with Axis1 security only. Due to security concerns, these may be deleted in some future version; however, there currently are no plans to do so.

  • Replaced. Some of the version 6.0 and 7.0 Web service special commands have been replaced with a later version (Axis2-based) implementation. The Axis1-based special command is no longer available for your use.

  • Deleted. Some of the version 6.0 and 7.0 Web service special commands are no longer used and, consequently, are not available in later versions.

The following table summarizes the availability of the special commands. For example, if a Web service special command is "re-implemented," it exists (in version 7.5) with both Axis1 and Axis2 implementations.

Table 1-1. Availability and status matrix for Web service special commands


6.0 and 7.0


7.1 and later

Re-implemented Yes Yes
Retained Yes No
Replaced No Yes
Deleted No No