PPM video gallery

This video gallery provides a selection of videos to help you work with PPM.

What's New videos

Watch the What's New videos to learn about the new and enhanced features included the latest PPM releases.

What's new in PPM 10.0.1-10.0.2

What's new in PPM 10.0

What's new in PPM 9.66

What's new in PPM 9.65

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PPM overview

Learn how PPM helps you govern portfolios of projects, applications, and opportunities.

PPM Overview

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Core functionality

Learn about core functionality in PPM:

PPM for Mobile

PPM Chatbot

PPM Purge Tool

Portfolio Management

Team Management

Implement SAFe with PPM and Octane

Creating Dashboards in PPM

HTML+ Portlets

What's New in PPM Demand Management 9.63

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Learn about PPM for SaaS.

What's new in PPM 9.60-9.64

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More videos

See the following channels for PPM related videos:

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