Creating User Data Fields

Not all user data field types have Dependency and Security tabs.

To create a user data field:

  1. From the Workbench shortcut bar, select Configuration > User Data.

    The User Data Workbench window opens.

  2. Open a user data type, or create a new user data context.

    The User Data Context window opens to the Fields tab.

  3. Click New.

    The Field: New window opens.

  4. Type the information described in the following table.

  5. Field Name


    Field Prompt

    Label displayed for the user data field in the request.


    Uppercase text string used to identify the token. The token name must be unique to the specific user data. An example of a token name is ASSIGNED_TO_USER_ID.


    Type a description of the user data field in this field.


    To disable the field in PPM, select No. (The user data field is enabled by default.)


    Use the Validation auto-complete list to specify the logic to use to determine the valid values for this field. This could be a list of user-defined values, a rule that the result must be a number, and so on.

    After you select the validation logic, the Component Type field displays the type of component (for example, drop-down list, text field, auto-complete list) used in the validation.


    If the validation uses an auto-complete list component type and you want users to be able to provide multiple values, select Yes.

  6. On the Attributes tab, type the information described in the following table.

  7. Field Name


    User Data Col

    Indicates the internal column in which the field value is to be stored. These values are then be stored in the corresponding column in the table for the given entity (such as KNTA_USERS for the users entity).

    User data provides the ability to store information in up to 20 columns, thus allowing for up to 20 fields. No two fields in user data can use the same column.

    Display Only

    Indicates whether the field is read-only. Select Use Dependency Rules to use the logic defined on the Dependencies tab.


    Indicates if the user sees this field on the User Data tab.


    Indicates whether the user must specify a value for this field. Select Use Dependency Rules to use the logic defined on the Dependencies tab.

  8. Select the Defaults tab, and then type the information described in the following table.

  9. Field Name


    Default Type

    Defines if the field will have a default value. Either default the field with a constant value or default it from the value in another user data field.

    Visible Value

    If a default type of Constant is selected, the constant value can be typed here.

    Depends On

    To default from another field, choose the token name of that field. When using this user data, every time a value is typed or updated in the source field, it will automatically be typed or updated in this destination field.

  10. Select the Dependencies tab, type the information specified in the following table, and then click OK.

  11. Field Name


    Clear When The Following Changes

    Indicates that the current field should be cleared when the specified field changes.

    Display Only When

    Indicates that the current field should only be editable when certain logical criteria are satisfied. The field functions with two adjacent fields, a list that contains logical qualifiers, and a text field. To use this functionality, select Use Dependency Rules in the Attributes tab.

    Required When

    Indicates that the current field should be required when certain logical criteria are satisfied. The field functions with two adjacent fields, a list that contains logical qualifiers, and a text field. To use this functionality, select Use Dependency Rules in the Attributes tab.

  12. To specify the users who can view and edit this field, select the Security tab, type the information specified in the following table, and then click OK.

  13. Field Name


    Visible to all users

    Checking this option allows all users to see the field. If this option is not checked, you can set who can see the field. The default is for all users to be able to see a field. If this option is not checked, the Select User/Security Group that can view this field is enabled.

    Clearing the Visible to all users or Editable by all users checkboxes enables the Select Users/Security Groups that can view this field section of the Edit Field Security window.

    Editable by all users

    Checking this option allows all users to edit the field. If this option is not checked, you can set who can edit the field. The default is for all users to be able to edit a field.

    Clearing the Visible to all users or Editable by all users checkboxes enables the Select Users/Security Groups that can view this field of the Edit Field Security window.

    Enter a Security Group


    Use to select the format for specifying users to grant visibility and edit permissions. The field displays the formats to choose users. The list dynamically updates the Security Group Validate auto-complete list.

    The choices are:

    • Enter a Username. Select a specific user a to see and edit the field. The user must have an email address.

    • Enter a Security Group Name. Select a specific security group to see and edit the field.

    • Enter a Standard Token. Select a standard token to see and edit the field.

    • Enter a User Defined Token. Select a user defined token to see and edit the field. Selecting this format enables the Tokens button.

    Selecting an item from this list dynamically updates the Enter a Security Group field.

    Security Group

    Provides a field for specifying the recipient. If the Enter a Security Group field displays:

    • Enter a Username, then the Validate: Username window is returned.

    • Enter a Security Group, then the Validate: Security Group window is returned.

    • Enter a Standard Token, then the Validate: Standard Token window is returned.

    • Enter a User Defined Token, then the Validate: User Defined Token window is returned.

  14. Click OK.

  15. The Field window displays the new field.

  16. Click OK.