Create workflows

This section provides instructions on how to use the Workflow Workbench to create a workflow.

Create a workflow

Use the Workflow Workbench to create a workflow.

To create a new workflow:

  1. Log on to PPM.
  2. From the menu bar, click Open > Administration > Open Workbench.
  3. On the PPM Workbench shortcut bar, click Configuration > Workflows.

  4. In the Workflow Workbench window, click New Workflow.

    The Workflow window opens.

  5. In the Workflow window, provide values for the fields described in the following table.

    Field or Option




    Provide a name for the workflow.

    *Reference Code

    After you type the workflow name, a reference code is automatically generated. You can either leave this default value, or type a different value.

    Workflow Scope

    Leave Requests selected.


    Provide a short description of the workflow and its purpose.


    Select Yes to enable this workflow or No to disable this workflow.

    *First Step

    This box displays the value NONE until you add steps to the workflow from the Layout tab. (See Add steps to a workflow.)

    *Use in Mobile
    • Yes: Requests using this workflow will be listed in the Requests app of PPM mobile web client. By default, all action buttons of the workflow that allow a mobile user to perform are available in the mobile web client. However, you can configure only some of the action buttons to be accessed in mobile. For details, see Select workflow steps used in mobile.
    • No: Requests using this workflow will not be listed in the Requests app of PPM mobile web client.

    Note: This option is available for all workflows, however, it is only applicable to the workflows that are associated with requests.


    A workflow can contain other workflows. If you want to nest another workflow within the workflow, click Yes.


    Use this auto-complete to specify the validation that sets the possible subworkflow results. A value is required if Subworkflow is set to Yes.

    Icon Name

    Enter the name of an image file to represent the subworkflow on the Layout tab. This graphic file must be in .gif format and must reside in the <PPM_Home>/icons directory.

  6. Click Save.

To edit, copy, or delete a workflow:

  1. Open the PPM Workbench.
  2. On the shortcut bar, click Configuration > Workflows.
  3. Select the workflow and perform the following actions:

    • To edit the workflow, click Open and make required changes.
    • To copy the workflow, click Copy and provide a name for the workflow.
    • To delete the workflow, click Remove and click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

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Choose workflow steps

Workflow steps are events that are linked together to form a complete workflow. PPM comes with predefined templates for commonly used workflow steps. These are available through the Workflow Step Sources window in the Workflow Workbench.

A workflow step source defines the behavior of a step (conditions for exiting the step, commands to execute for the step, timeout duration, which icon to display, and so on) as well as the list of possible result values or outcomes for the step.

Note: For detailed information about workflow step sources, see Configure workflow step sources.

You can use the Filter by fields in the Workflow Step Sources window to filter the workflow steps listed. The following folders, which contain workflow steps classified by type, are available in the Workflow Step Source window:

Workflow step type Description

Decision workflow steps represent manual activities performed outside of PPM.

Decision workflow steps include such activities as:

  • Decisions made by committees
  • Code designs and reviews

Condition workflow steps are logic steps used for complex workflow processing, such as allowing the workflow to proceed only after each workflow step is completed. The condition workflow steps include the following:

  • AND. The AND condition is met only after all workflow steps leading to it reach the specified required status.

  • OR. The OR condition is met if at least one of the workflow steps leading to it reaches the required status specified for it.


Execution workflow steps represent actions that are automated through PPM. Execution workflow steps include such activities as:

  • Create a package

  • Run object type commands

  • Package priority

  • Create a request

  • Execute request commands

  • Run workflow step commands

  • Close the workflow (Close workflow step)


A subworkflow is a process unit that contains a series of steps that perform a functional subcomponent of a workflow. Subworkflows allow you to model complex business processes in logical, manageable, and reusable subprocesses. Within its parent workflow, each subworkflow is represented as a single workflow step.

After the workflow process reaches the subworkflow step, it follows the path defined in that subworkflow. Subworkflows can either end the workflow or return to the parent workflow.

Subworkflows have the following restrictions:

  • You cannot use a subworkflow to process a request or a package as a stand-alone business process.

  • A subworkflow can reference other subworkflows, but not itself.

  • A subworkflow can be referenced only by workflows or subworkflows of the same workflow scope.

  • Permissions specified on the Security tab of the calling subworkflow step determine who can bypass the steps with the subworkflow.

To add a step to your workflow, determine which of the folders it corresponds to. Expand the folder, and then drag the workflow step that best suits your needs to the Layout tab.

If you do not find an available workflow step source that meets the requirements of the workflow you are configuring, you can define a new workflow step source. For instructions on how to define a workflow step source, see Create decision workflow step sources.

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Add steps to a workflow

You assemble workflow steps into workflows on the Layout tab of the Workflow window.

To add a step to a workflow:

  1. In the Workflow window of the workflow, click the Layout tab.

    To the right of the Workflow window, the Workflow Step Sources window contains a library of steps classified by type. You can use these steps to build your workflows. The window also includes Filter by lists, which you can use to selectively display a subset of available steps.

  2. From the first Filter by list, select Requests.

  3. You can use the second Filter by list to select an additional filter condition to further refine the steps available for this workflow.

  4. To view the available steps, expand the folders in the Workflow Step Sources window.

    Note: For more information about how to select the steps for your workflows, see Choose workflow steps.

  5. Determine which step to add as the first step, and then drag and drop it on the Layout tab.

    After you add a step to the Layout tab, the Workflow Step window opens. Use this window to configure the following:

  6. After you configure all the steps in the workflow, click OK.

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Add the close step

Every workflow must include a close step. A close step is a type of execution workflow step. You can find it in the Executions folder in the Workflow Step Sources window.

You can use one of the following close steps in a workflow:

  • Close (Immediate success). This close step immediately completes a request or package with a status of Success.

  • Close (Manual success). This close step requires manual intervention to complete a request or package and set the request or package status to Success.

  • Close (Immediate failure). This close step immediately completes a request or package with a status of Failure.

You add a close workflow step to a workflow as you add any other type of step.

Configure reopen workflow steps

If necessary, users who have the required access grants can reopen closed requests. A reopened request begins at the reopen workflow step specified for the workflow.

To specify a reopen step for a workflow:

  1. Open a workflow in the Workflow Workbench.

  2. Click the Workflow tab.

  3. In the Reopen Step list, select the reopen workflow step.

  4. Click Save.

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Adjust workflow step sequences

After you assemble all of the workflow steps on Layout tab, you can adjust their sequence.

To adjust the sequence of steps in an open workflow:

  1. In the Workflow window, click the Step Sequence tab.

    The Step Sequence tab lists all of the workflow steps.

  2. Select a workflow step, and then click the up and down arrows at the bottom of the tab to move the selected workflow in the display sequence.

  3. Click Save.

    On the Workflow tab, the First Step field displays the first workflow step.

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Select workflow steps used in mobile

If you enable a workflow to be used in mobile, you can further configure which workflow steps will be used in PPM mobile web client. For requests using the workflow, only the action buttons related to the selected workflow steps are available for mobile users to act on.

Note: This task is only applicable if your users use PPM for Mobile.

To select workflow steps to be used in mobile:

  1. Open the workflow, and go to the Steps Used in Mobile tab.

    This tab is enabled only when the option Use in Mobile in the Workflow tab is enabled. For details, see Create a workflow.

  2. From the Available Step column, select the workflow steps to be used in mobile, and move them to the Selected Steps column.

    Not all steps of the workflow are listed in the Available Step column. Only "Decision" workflow steps are listed.

    To facilitate approving requests in mobile, we recommend that you do not select the workflow steps that require providing additional information to proceed and it is not convenient to enter all the information using your smart phone. For example, we recommend you do not select the workflow steps that require more information in a table component field.

  3. Click OK.

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Verify and enable workflows

To make a workflow available for use, you must verify it and then enable it. Workflow verification ensures correct workflow logic. Enablement makes the workflow available to users.

To verify a workflow:

  1. On the PPM Workbench shortcut bar, click Configuration > Workflows.

    The Workflow Workbench opens.

  2. In the Workflow Workbench, open the workflow to verify.

  3. In the lower left corner of the Workflow window, click Verify.

    If the verification process uncovers no problems in the logic of the workflow, a message is displayed to indicate that no errors were detected. If the verification process uncovers problems with the workflow, its steps, or its transitions, the Verify window opens and lists the errors.

To enable a workflow:

  1. Open the Workflow Workbench.

  2. Open the workflow that you want to enable.

    The Workflow window opens to the Workflow tab.

  3. Click Yes in the Enabled field.

  4. Click Save.

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See also: