Changing Menu Item Text

In rare circumstances, it may be meaningful to change the text that appears on the menu bar. For example, menu item text may be changed to match (or complement) the names of other products used within your company thereby emphasizing concepts, such as processes, integrations, or policies; or additional site-specific details associated with that particular menu item.

Menu text is controlled in the menu.xml file, which utilizes localization files for each supported language. The XML describing the content of the menu is stored in the following directory: <PPM_Home>/conf/menus/menu.xml. The <PPM_Home> placeholder represents the path where your PPM instance was installed. For example: xyzserver/E$/PPMServer.

A menu item (regardless of whether it has submenus) looks like:


where the value of the key is the label and the value of bundle represents the name of the resource bundle where the label can be found.

To create a custom resource bundle:

  1. Identify the menu item you want to change.

  2. Create the custom resource bundle under <PPM_Home>\server\<server name>\deploy\itg.war\WEB-INF\resources\web. For example,

  3. Add a new resource in this file by adding a line, as follows:

    "myCustomLabel"=My Custom Label
  4. Edit the menu.xml and change the key and bundle values to make them look like the following:

    <menu id="ResourceFinderMenuItem" key="myCustomLabel" bundle="MyResources">

    Note: Menu id is required when you edit menu.xml.

  5. Save and close the file.

    If you are using non-standard (foreign language) characters, such as â, ç, é, ö, or ñ, make sure you encode the file in UTF-8 format.

    Tip: Microsoft® Notepad supports UTF-8 encoding when using the Save As functionality.

  6. Stop, and then restart the PPM Server.

  7. (Optional, although highly recommended) Verify the changes by logging off, and then logging back onto PPM and reviewing the menu item.